The Beginning of the Quadcoil®
In 1998, Wolfson’s company, SIDHIL TECH, developed its first pocket spring coiler. The machine produces the innovative center seam pocketed spring to replace the conventional top seam design to allow for a true two-sided mattress. The patent for the system was eventually granted in 2001.
At the same time, SIDHIL TECH developed the QUADCOIL®, which ultrasonically fused two rows of pocketed springs together to create a stable module. This resulted in a more stable pocket spring unit. The patent for the QUADCOIL® was granted in 2000.
In 2001, Wolfson introduces a system to heat treat and cool down the coil before inserting it into the fabric pocket. This process was unique to the industry at the time and created an even more durable innerspring.
1998 - 2001

Micro & Mega Coil Systems
At the end of 2001, Wolfson then re-engineered the coiler to produce different height coils with different convolution counts, which enabled Texas Pocket Springs to produce a variety of innerspring units from the 2-inch MICRO coil with 1,344 coils in a Queen unit to the 9-inch MEGA coil with 1,088 coils in a Queen unit.
2001 - 2014

Glueless® Technology
In 2014, given Wolfson’s continued concern over the stability and effect that extreme weather conditions (heat and cold) had on the hot melted glue bond that was traditionally being used to join the rows of pocketed coils together, he further refined the end product by designing and engineering a pocket spring assembly machine that would bond the rows of coils together without the use of glue. This eliminated any effect that the outside elements would have on the quality and durability of the pocketed coil innerspring unit.
The introduction of the GlueLess® Innerspring Assembler in 2016. Not only has Wolfson been able to produce a Disruptive Technology, but he has also produced a superior innerspring that is a totally recyclable and sustainable product.
2014 - 2016
Improvement in Quality and Comfort Requires Constant Innovation
Innovation and product improvement have been our driving force from the moment we engineered and patented our first pocket spring machine and incorporated Texas Pocket Springs 24 years ago. Our commitment was to offer our customers a better product than what was available. Over the years we have received over a dozen patents on pocket spring assembly and pocket spring machinery. Today we have capacity to produce 36K units a week in our coiling facility just south of Dallas/Ft. Worth. We have a dedicated innovation center which continues to design and engineer the most forward-thinking assembly machinery in the world. Today we are proud to be leaders in sustainable bedding technology. We are proud to have created the worlds first 100% sustainable pocket spring. We welcome guests anytime to visit our production facility and Innovation/Engineering Center.

Why the GlueLess?
Texas Pocket Springs has been using the GlueLess® Innersprings for all its innersprings since 2017. The result has been the ability to produce a superior product that is consistently recognized by both the mattress manufacturers we supply and the mattress retailers and their customers for quality, comfort, efficiency, and environmental friendliness.
Social responsibility, worldwide environmental agencies, and ever-increasing landfills speak to the importance of totally recyclable products.